En español
Se cita por primera vez para nuestra fauna el trips Enneothrips (Enneothripiella) flavens Moulton, hallado en la provincia de Corrientes, sobre maní.
Este insecto es causante de daños comprobados en las plantaciones del mencionado vegetal en los Estados Unidos del Brasil, donde se menciona la probable interrelación con el hongo Sphnceloma arachidis Bit. et Jenk.
Se realiza una breve descripción para su pronta localización sistemática, dándose la distribución geográfica y se mencionan algunos productos químicos para su control.
En inglés
The thrips Enneothrips (Enneothripiella) flavens Moulton, has been found for the first time, in the Province of Corrientes, on the peanut.
This insect causes great damage in the plantations of the above mentioned vegetable in United States of Brazil where it is thought it might be ininterrelation with the Sphaceloma arachidis Bit. et Jenk. fungus.
It is also made reference to the fact that it might be related to some other kinds of fungi that attack the peanut in our areas though no studies have been made on this field, so far, as it has just been found here.
A brief descripion of the thrips is supplied to allow its systematic and quick recognition, together with its geographic distribution.
Some chemical products to keep it under control are mentioned too.