En español
Dentro de las amplias variaciones en el cuadro macroscópico del carcinoma del cuerpo uterino resulta casi siempre posible reconocer un crecimiento superficial, o bien uno profundo, infiltrante y destructor o, en fin, uno vegetante o proliferante; en todos los casos el epitelio originario es el epitelio endometrial y el tipo histológico es el del epitelioma cilíndrico con una mayor o menor diferenciación hacia el tipo glandular.
En cambio es de observación rara, según los datos de la literatura y según la propia experiencia, tumores nodulares circunscriptos del cuerpo uterino; excepcional es la observación de tumores nodulares aislados sin dependencia del endometrio como en el caso de esta publicación, cuyo interés es mayor todavía por la coexistencia de una endometriosis con el tumor.
En inglés
In a woman of 51 years of age, multipara with multiple genital antecedents and with actual symptoms of inflammatory process, suppurated adnexa, (verifield in the operative piece) a nodular epithelioma was casually found in the posterior wall of the uterus, near the right cornu. This nodule was of the size of a big nut and it was perfectly delimited by a kind of capsule formed by the byometrium and it presented no connection with the uterine or tube epithelium.
The tumor consisted of cylindrical elements, whih showed a tendency to glandular differentiation and partly to pavement cell differentiation and this was in evidence by the presence of islets of poligonal cells, sometimes by loose elements whih evidently came from a slow transformation of the cylindrical elements.
Because of medullary aspect and the histological structure, this case has benn interpreted as an epithelial growth derived from heterotropic rests of Müller's duct. The co-existence of an endometriosis is considered as an casual finding because no histogenetic relation of the carcinoma with it can be demonstrated.