En español
Para contribuir con las historiografías futuras transcribo una entrevista que realicé en enero de 1994 al artista Julio Paz, quien se encontraba en Buenos Aires visitando a su hermana, la grabadora Hilda Paz. El artista, reconocido en el exterior, había sentido su carrera truncada en el país por la censura y por la persecución de la dictadura, a pesar de haber obtenido el gran premio de honor.
Y con la humildad de un grande se alegró de que me interesara por su obra, que formó parte de mi objeto de tesis de posgrado. Pero la entrevista nunca salió publicada en el boletín del instituto por haberse suspendido su edición al cabo de diez años.
En inglés
To contribute to future historiographies I transcribe an interview that I conducted in January 1994 to the artist Julio Paz, who at that moment was visiting his sister, the graver Hilda Paz. The artist, recognized abroad, felt that his career had been truncated in the country by the censorship and persecution of the dictatorship, despite having obtained the grand prize of honor. And with the humility of a great, he was glad that I was interested in his work, which was part of my postgraduate thesis. But the interview was never published in the institute’s bulletin because its edition was suspended after ten years.