Semicarpus anacardium Linn. (Anacardiaceae) is a deciduous moderate sized tree. The plant
is commonly known as Ballataka (Sanskrit), Bhela (Hindi) and marking nut in English. Fruits are acrid
and sweet and used traditionally in the treatment of asthma. Allergy and stress are important contributing
factors in asthma; hence, our objective was to study the effect of plant extracts on milk-induced leucocytosis
(antistress) and milk-induced eosinophilia (antiallergic) as no work is done in this direction and to
check a possible antiasthmatic role of the plant. Extracts were given at the dose of 50 and 100 mg/kg, p.o.,
to mice. Ethyl acetate and ethanol extracts showed significant decrease in leukocytes and eosinophils
count. These results confirm the use of S. anacardium fruits as antistress and antiallergic agents in the
treatment asthma.